Mel O’Callaghan b. 1975 Sydney, Australia. Lives and works in Sydney and Paris.

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Sea Mount, 2020, single-channel HD colour video,16:9, stereo sound, 1 hour 28 minutes 

Sea Mount, 2020, single channel 4K colour video, 16:9, with sound, 1 hour 28 minutes

Sea Mount descends through the five layers in the sea. These layers, known as "zones", extend backwards from the surface to the most extreme depths where light can no longer penetrate. These deep zones are largely unexplored, the temperature drops and the pressure increases. Moving through multiple thresholds the film captures phases of genesis and regeneration.

The work was filmed during a three-week expedition in the eastern Pacific on the Research Vessel Atlantis from the submersible HOV Alvin, with the support of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and US National Science Foundation. Captured on AT4206 onboard the R/V Atlantis in December 2018: D. Fornari, WHOI/NSF/HOV Alvin, 2018, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.