Mel O’Callaghan b. 1975 Sydney, Australia. Lives and works in Sydney and Paris.

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︎︎︎ Galerie Allen
︎︎︎ Cassandra Bird


Respire, Respire, 2019, breath performance with dielectric glass, 20 minutes

Photo: Clemens Habicht & Simon Woods 


FEB 22 - JAN 16, 2021

Co-comissioned by Artspace, Sydney; UQ Art Museum, Brisbane; & Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers

Curated by Peta Rake

Respire, Respire is a series of works based on a choreography of breathing, sculptures and performances. These were drawn from the protocols for breathing developed in collaboration with Sabine Rittner, Associate Researcher and Music Psychotherapist, Institute for Medical Psychology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany. By breathing faster and deeper, performers gradually attain altered states of consciousness ranging from meditative, ecstatic and even to hallucinatory. In the choreography that joins the performers and the sculptures, the artist accentuates the necessary human and non-human balance responsible for maintaining and regenerating life on Earth.

Centre of the Centre, 2019, three-channel HD colour video, 48:9, 5.1 surround sound, 20 minutes

Performers: Trae Allen, Quentin Clark, Kelly M, Keia McGrady, Nadia Milford, Alyse Musk & Stef Palmer
Organist: Anna Briers
Performance Coordinator: Elif Temizkan
Developed in collaboration with Sabine Rittner, research associate, Institute for Medical Psychology Center for Psychosocial Medicine Heidelberg University, Germany
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its funding and advisory body; and the Fondation des Artistes, France